Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
CENTROPE Regional Development Report 2012. Project Summary and Policy Conclusions
Peter Huber
Petr Rozmáhel, Roman Römisch, Mihaly Lados, Peter Huber, Ing. Karol Frank, PhD.
- Year: 2012
- Pages: 94
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This report summarises the results of the CENTROPE regional development report project as well as the related literature on regional development in this cross-border region. In particular we propose that cross-border policy initiatives in CENTROPE should focus on fulfilling the following functions:
- securing and providing information on the activities of and development in other regions,
- co-ordinating spatial policies at the borders of administrative units,
- pooling resources and developing own projects in various strands of economic policy to improve competitiveness, and
- lobbying for common interests of theparticipating regions.
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