Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 28 The Inovative Strategic Planning, Regional Innovative Strategies and Creativity in Regions
AuthorIng. Mária Kačírková
- Year: 2010
- Pages: 48
- ISSN 1337–5598
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Innovation and creative capacity are essential determinants of economic prosperity in
a globalizing, knowledge-based economy. For any country with diverse and strongly differentiated
regional economies, the relationship between economic actors, organizations and institutions
at the regional and local levels are crucial factors underlying national prosperity. The
social qualities and properties of urban places and the creativity and engagement of the citizen
participation also have direct consequences for economic growth. In this way is very important
to create und build regional vision by way of a collaborative innovation-led strategic
planning process, which involves large participations on crucial regional actors and affords
collaborative environment and partnership.
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