Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 05 The partnership and cross-sector cooperation
Ing. Mária Kačírková
- Year: 2007
- Pages: 40
- ISSN 1337–5598
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The globalisation of the economic processes and the EU membership has carried a lot of changes, calling for the changeover in the behavior of the enterprises, public government and all actors working in the economy. Following changes require new strategies oriented to increase the partnership and cooperation. The article is aimed at the cross-sector cooperation as a collaboration between public, business and non-profit sector. The theoretical part defines publicprivate partnership (PPPs) based on mobilising of the private finance to build public services. The EU model is linked to the structural regional policy focused on the main objective to reduce regional disparities. The empirical part provides a survey of PPPs in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe and presents cooperation between public and business sector in the Bratislava region.
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