Mid-term projection of trends in macroeconomic development of the Slovak health sector
Head of projectRNDr. Viliam Pálenik, PhD., h.doc.
Members of project
Ján Šimo, Glyn G. Roberts, Alfréd Paulovič, Ing. Vladimír Kvetan, Katarína Krivanská
- Duration of the project/from to: 2001 – 2002
Registration number: TF026121-2
- This work was written in 2001 - 2002 in the scope of labours devoted to research project TF026121-2 sponsored by the World Bank. The authors summarize the outcomes of mid-term projection of trends in macroeconomic development of Slovak health care sector. The projection was elaborated to meet the needs of the Ministry of health care of Slovak Republic.
In the work the authors´ team analyse the health care system in Slovakia from the point of view of its administrative structure and financial flows. Further introduce an econometric model based on which future macroeconomic development as a whole, and health care sector development in particular, are projected. Furthermore, they devote different health care systems in European Union countries, most of all to health care sector
in Great Britain. Comparing the various systems, authors offer several recommendations and advice the initiators of Slovak health care system reforms.
Analyses of past macroeconomic (as well as health care sector) development are based on data up to the year of 2000, meaning that the authors analyse health care system before the reform. Various alternative scenarios of calculated prognoses cover years 2001 - 2006, i.e. the period at the beginning of which Slovakia launched the health care system reform. Without these analyses it would have been very difficult to prepare such a complex change of the system and carry it finally out.
- Páleník, V., Krivanská, K., Kvetan, V., Paulovič, A., Roberts, G. G., Šimo, J.: Mid-term projection of trends in macroeconomic development of the Slovak health sector (Final output – English version). Bratislava, EMPO, 2002, 394 p. (0,4)
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