Generating scientific information to support labour market policy making
Head of projectMgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
Members of project
Mgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD.
Duration of the project: 8/2018 – 12/2021
ID number: APVV-17-0329Project website:
The main objective of the project is to support the creation of labour market policies and the adjustments of the tax-benefit system through the creation of relevant, scientific information. The main objective will be achieved within the three main activities of the project.
The first activity covers the processing of administrative data to produce ex-post evaluations of active labour market policy measures. Using counterfactual impact evaluation techniques, net treatment effects of particular measures will be estimated, complying with the international standards applied in policy impact evaluation. The results of the activity will thus significantly add to the existing state of knowledge about the net effectiveness of active labour market policy in Slovakia.
The second activity covers further development and modifications of the VZAM model, developed at the Institute of Economic Research of the SAS within previous APVV projects. At present, the model is applied to simulate the development in the structure of the supply side of the Slovak labour market; the change in the educational structure of the population, as well as the structure of employment by occupation and the sector of economic activity. By modifying the model, it will be possible to extend its applicability to the ex-ante simulation of changes in labour market policies and the tax-deductible system and their subsequent impact on employment, wage growth, or public finances. The application of internationally used techniques of impact evaluation usually requires smaller methodological adjustments. The reason may be both the data availability, but also specific needs of the decision-making sphere. The research team provides a lot of experience with the development of methodological innovations for the needs of the practice.
The third activity, thus, covers the communication of specific requirements of the decision-making sphere, along with possible development of methodological innovations.
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