Determinants of Industrial Policy under Conditions of Globalization and Integration
Head of projectProf. Ing. Milan Šikula, DrSc.
Members of project
Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., prof. Ing. Anton Klas, CSc., Igor Chovan, Ing. Herta Gabrielová, CSc.
Project No 2/9049/22 oriented on cooperation with industry; duration of the project: 06/2002 do 11/2002.
The project demonstrates results of a long-run research in the field of globalization and integration processes aimed at characterising the new conceptually-theoretical bases of industrial policy.
The work is primarily aimed at pointing out the urgent need of a crucial qualitative change in approaching industrial policy in Slovakia. Secondly, its objective is also to account for the orientation of industrial policy in the 21st century in the context of challenges and determining trends in processes connected with new economy, globalization and EU integration.
The first part of the project is devoted to fundamental conceptual issues related to modern industrial policy formation. It offers results of analysing the revolutionary qualitative changes appearing in world economy and evolutionary metamorphoses of EU member states´ industrial policies, dominantly characterised by consistent concentration on increasing competitiveness of European companies. The first part ends up in argumentation of possibilities and conditions of technological and innovation gap closing up, as a crucial precondition of transitive economies´ shift towards the new type of economic progress.
Knowledge of the first part are further analytically elaborated and verified from the point of view of Slovakia and its relative position within the group of V4 countries and Slovenia in the second and third part of the work. Following the analysis and evaluation of the current economic problems of Slovak manufacturing industry, possibilities of overcoming these problems are derived. Outcomes of the confrontation become therefore extremely sensitive indicator of the industrial policy adequacy. Based on them, proposals of industrial policy quality-improving are specified. The third part is engaged in discussing the role and importance of science, research and education in the development of innovation processes and concurrently the competitiveness of economy. Following the problem analysis and international comparison of these issues, the work seeks and outlines potential forms of solution. It leads to analysis of trends in industrial research and development of Slovakia and to articulation of suggestions aimed at R&D revival and program orientation.ŠIKULA, M. et al.: Determinants of Industrial Policy under Conditions of Globalization and Integration. Bratislava: Institute of Slovak and World Economy SAS, 2003, 166 pp. ISBN 80-7144-134-1. (in Slovak)
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