Applications and development of a microsimulation model to support the creation of policy decision-making
Head of projectMgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD.
Members of project
Mgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD.
Duration of the project: 09/2024 - 08/2026
ID number: 09I03-03-V04-00536Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4
The main objective of the present project is to support policy making using microsimulation modelling in the areas of health care, education, labour market and long-term care through the production of relevant scientific information. This objective will be achieved through four sub-tasks. The first of the partial tasks represents the application part of the project, in which the researcher will develop a microsimulation model designed for the healthcare system. The second partial task consists of the creation of application models that will focus on predicting labour demand in education, healthcare and long-term care. The outputs from these partial tasks will be communicated to decision-making institutions and adapted to their requirements.
The third subtask will consist in the methodological extension of existing tools. Microsimulation models will be developed using alternative input databases such as EU-SILC or CENZUS 2021. Subsequent comparison of the individual outputs will determine the most appropriate use of each input database. Also within this task, cooperation with relevant public sector institutions that use the individual inputs is planned.
One of the activities of the proposed project is to communicate the specific requirements of the decision-making sphere and the development of individual applications of microsimulation methodologies in order to evaluate the impact of public policies. The application of internationally established microsimulation techniques in the evaluation of policy impacts normally requires a specific approach in the development and application of these models. This may be due to local data availability, but also to the specific needs of the decision-making sphere.
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