Capital flight and government debt sustainability in Africa
Duration of the project: 01/2024 - 12/2024
ID number: APP0454
Corporate Efficiency, Failure, and EU Funds: Lessons from Slovakia
Duration of the project: 09/2024 - 08/2026
ID number: 09I03-03-V04-00429
Dawn of the Dead? Zombie firms in Slovakia
Duration of the project: 09/2024 - 08/2026
ID number: 09I03-03-V04-00337
Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4
Distributional Effects of Misreporting in International Trade in Services
Duration of the project: 01/2024 - 12/2026
ID number: VEGA 2/0165/24
Economic Research Informing Tobacco Taxation Policy in Slovakia
Duration of the project: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
ID number: 2006547869
Contracting authority:
John Hoipkins University
On empirics of illicit capital flows
Duration of the project: 01/2024 - 12/2025
ID number: SAS-DAAD-2023-03
Economic Research Informing Tobacco Taxation Policy in Slovakia
Duration of the project: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023
ID number: 19346
Contracting authority:
University of Illinois at Chichago
Financial cycle: design, modelling and forecasting within machine learning framework
Duration of the project: 07/2023 - 12/2026
ID number: APVV-22-0472
The Role of Exchange Rate Channel in the Transmission of Monetary Policy: The Case of Standard and Non-standard Monetary Policies
Duration of the project: 01/2023 - 12/2025
ID number: GV-2022-4-P15-Z2
Bank Branch Closings and Local SME Economic Activity in Slovakia – Good Servant but a Bad Master?
Duration of the project: 05/2021 - 04/2022
ID number: MeRSA (Membership Research Grant Scheme)
Bootstrap Based Empirical Joint Prediction Regions for Path Forecasts
Duration of the project: 01/2021 - 12/2023
ID number: VEGA 1/0476/21
Follow the Money - Deciphering the Link between Shadow Banking Sector and the Illicit Financial Flows
Duration of the project: 07/2021 - 06/2025
ID number: APVV-20-0499
Challenges of demographic ageing in Slovakia and possiblities to eliminate its negative impacts
Duration of the project: 1/2021 - 12/2023
ID number: VEGA 2/0143/21
Illicit capital flows and external macroeconomic imbalances
Duration of the project: 01/2021 - 12/2023
ID number: VEGA 2/0101/21
INTERCEPT - motIvating mobiliziNg supporTing nEets gReen CarEer PaThway
Duration of the project: 01/10/2021 - 24/01/2024
ID number: 2020-1-0033
Project Leader:
Project Partners:
CASE- Center for Social and Economic Research, Scientific Foundation
Institute of Economic Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Employment Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of The Republic of Lithuania
Anci Toscana - Association of Municipalities of Tuscany
Tuscany Region
Visionary Analytics
Grosseto University hub
ADEM -National Employment Agency Luxembourg
Project sponsor:
EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment