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Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom - Monografie a vedecké editované knihy
Economic Development of Slovakia in 2022. Focused on: Economy in the Grip of Extraordinary Threats
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.
Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD., Ing. Mária Širaňová, MA., PhD., Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD., Mgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD., Ing. Ivan Lichner, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Jeck, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD., Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD., Ing. Karol Frank, PhD.
- Rok vydania: 2023
- Počet strán: 173
- ISBN 978–80–7144–337–7
Súbor na stiahnutie (1,76 MB)
Since 1993, the Institute of Economics Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences has been preparing annual assessments of the economic development of the Slovak economy. Just like the independent Slovak economy, our series of publications is 30 years of jubilee. This is an ideal moment for news: starting with this edition, we are expanding our publication to include quantitative forecasting and an additional "bonus" chapter, which will focus on a selected specific problem (not treated in the regular chapters) each year.
We continuously observe the transformations of the economy in different situations. And in this respect, the last period has brought us a particularly "attractive" situation: the confluence of many unique threats. We are not evil-doers; it is attractive for research, not for the life of the majority of the population. Forgive the economist-researchers, but unlike most people, their work is more attractive when various shocks occur.
It is the response of the Slovak economy to an unprecedented mix of shocks and threats that is the central theme of this publication. In 2022, although the pandemic crisis was already waning, the threat of an energy crisis, a security and geopolitical crisis (due to the war in Ukraine) or an internal political crisis was added. After more than twenty years, the price shock was recalled, the shortage of exploitable workforce was deepening, and through it all, the pressure of the climate crisis was still at effect. This is a unique test for the economy and for political elites. The confluence of these shocks has been a factor affecting almost every area analysed in this publication.
The sequence in this analysis starts from an initial overall view, moves through a series of more detailed views of sub-issues to expected changes in the near future and to forecasts. "The 'bonus' chapter, which will focus on a different issue each year (outside the regular areas of analysis), this time addresses the problem of the replacement of the workforce. This is part of the problem of the labour force shortage- one of the threats to economic development.
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