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Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom - Monografie a vedecké editované knihy
Economic Development of Slovakia in 2016 and Outlook up to 2018
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.
Ing. Ivana Šikulová, PhD., doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD., doc. Ing. Martin Lábaj, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Jeck, PhD., Ing. Veronika Hvozdíková, PhD., Ing. Martin Hudcovský, PhD., Ing. Karol Frank, PhD.
- Rok vydania: 2017
- Počet strán: 160
- ISBN 978-80-7144-278-3
Súbor na stiahnutie (2,65 MB)
In our regular annual assessments of the economic development of Slovakia, we try to point out specific events, which happened recently in the country. However, the aim is to evaluate these phenomena in the context of long-term development. We highlight long-lasting trends, but mostly focus on those, which are changing.
The signs of multi-year deflation interruption, the year-on-year fall in investments, the unexpectedly favorable development of labour market, or the questioning of "debt brake mechanism" - these are some of the features characteristic for 2016. Thus, we pay attention to them in the publication. In the background of such phenomena are some longer-term trends: e.g. the economic growth around 3 % rate, persisting non-standard expansionary monetary policy or lasting relatively robust real wage growth.
The analysis of Slovak economic development by Institute of Economic Research, SAS is regularly published since 1993. It evaluates the macroeconomic trends, economic performance level, internal and external balance, economic policy, labour and financial markets development as well as measures that have changed the economic environment. In comparison to the previous year's publication, this one enriches with a look at developments in the economic sectors or with developments in the financial sector. A series of partial analyses leads to an assessment of the possible future development in short-term outlook. The purpose of this outlook is not to provide the detailed quantification of economic parameters, but rather to provide scenarios of the most likely development and possible risks in the near future.
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