Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom - Conference Proceedings
Paradigms of the Changes in the 21st Century (Adaptation Processes nad Pulsating Economy)
- Year: 2016
- Pages: 376
- ISBN 978-80-7144-265-3
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The shift in the knowledge of the real global world, that came from "Quest for Configurations in Mosaic" in publication Paradigm Changes in the 21st Century, published in 2012), represents monography and anthologies of scientific papers, co-sponsored by abroad community of Slovak and foreign authors in years 2013 to 2015. It was an interesting and revealing journey in touch with the context of society’s infrastructure and controlled society developed in Europe and Slovakia in connection with the global economic and peace potential, foresees cooperation or confrontation in sharpening conditions of development in the world and options of adaptation Europe and Slovakia to changing the global environment and shaping the internal conditions in the EU. It has always been our intention to analyze the issue in a broader context and interdisciplinary basis, to build the structure of publications through interdependence and gradual shifting of memoir, so as to enable the reader to uncover the essence of the issue, to awake an interest to understand it more deeply.
An ambition of this publication is to connect the individual experts’ opinions in three thematic areas, completing to the theoretical and practical clauses in the monography Adaptation Processes and Pulsating Economy by authors Iveta Pauhofová and Peter Staněk.
Proceedings papers Paradigms changes in the 21st century: Adaptation processes and pulsating economy offers view on the issues of adaptation to a changing world and the new paradigm in its structure, it presents selected aspects of national economy and businesses management dedicated to certain social and economic issues of polarized world. The first track is the emphasis on the problem of paradigms and methodologies in social and economic sciences, explained are basic connections in adaptation of society and pulsating economy, one of its current main determinants is developing – new technologies’ entrance and how it affects the approaching civilization break. Part of this round is particularly important view into new trends in the adaptation functions of the state in the globalization and intergeneration processes. Not only to understand individual aspects of geopolitical processes, but also questions of stability in the Asian region and the impact on the economy and civilizational models in other world regions allows discussion about development in relations of China and the West. Required point of the further relation development between EU and Russia presents the contribution of the development consequences in conditions of economic sanctions. Inseparable part of the pulsating economy issue related to the adaptation of the society, is the question of changes in the energy sector enriched implications for Slovakia. Second and third circuit in the publications’ structure represents significant contributions by foreign authors, who respond to individual issues through the lens of different theoretical platforms and empirical results.
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