Publikácie vydané Ekonomickým ústavom - Others
Sovereign funds in the world
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 126
- ISBN 978-80-553-1856-1
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The Sovereign funds represent a huge amount of state-owned and controlled financial resources. These are invested - according to strategy – mostly outside of the country owns them, but in home country, too. Growth of their relevance could be noticed in 90s of 20th century and just before start of financial and economic crisis in 2007. The concerns spread in the light of fundamental changes of global wealth’s structure and it opened lots of questions about another government’s task in management of wealth. On the other side, mostly sovereign funds helped to important West financial institutions at the beginning of crisis. Considering specific tasks of financial system in globalising economics, it’s correct to open the topics about geopolitical contexts of functioning sovereign funds. Because of that, it’s allowed to set tracking optics of future Global economics’ development, from regional view and aspect of key and vital areas in future, for example energetics, health care in relation to the aging population, agriculture and food industry in context with climatic changes. The sovereign funds will play an important role in adaptation processes in 21st century.
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