Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 39 Population ageing in the EU and the world in the light of silver economy potential
- Year: 2012
- Pages: 52
- ISSN 1337-5598
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In the first chapter the paper analyses the most recent patterns and changes in demographic development in Europe, presents results of the main ageing indicators and compares the speed of ageing process across the European countries. The second chapter focuses on the EU’s policy response to the population ageing, while it advocates for a new approach to ageing issue which understands population ageing as opportunity rather than a threat. In the last chapter we characterize ageing population as a global phenomenon and compare dynamics of ageing process in developed and developing regions of the world, with a special focus on the main trade partners of the EU (and Slovakia) with aim to identify probable future markets with potential of economic growth on the one hand and potential of growing demand for silver economy products (based on demographic projections) exported from the European territory.
Population ageing, silver economy, European Union, BRIC countries
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