Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 27 Exploitation of Futurological Methods in Political Decisionmaking
AuthorIng. Ivan Klinec
- Year: 2010
- Pages: 103
- ISSN 1337–5598
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Development of futurology as a science about the future is interconnected with coming of the
information age and with the transition to the information society. Futurology as a science
about the future is new paradigm of understanding of societal reality with possibility of
alternative understanding of future development in long term horizons. Methodology of
futures research enable modeling of alternative scenarios of future development and provide
new tools for long term political decisionmaking. Strategic planning is now using the wide
scale of futures research methods enabling incorporation of long term time horizons into
political decisionmaking. Creation of system of anticipative governance is connected with
using of Forwar Engagement system as a tool of anticipative governance. System of
anticipative governance is one of the way out of global crisis of present human civilization.
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