Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 26 Economic Foundation of Transition to the Information Society
AuthorIng. Ivan Klinec
- Year: 2010
- Pages: 38
- ISSN 1337–5598
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The ongoing civilization transformation from the industrial to the information society is
interconnected with development of new economic theories and new economic concepts.
Information in the information society new and main factor of development, new production
factor and new and dominating form of capital. Working theory of value, which was dominant
in the industrial age, is to be substituted by information theory of value. Information in the
information society are source of value creation and are main factor of economic and social
development and competitiveness of economy and its individual subjects. New paradigm of
wealth creation is based on information as precondition of wealth creation. Generation of
information is creating disequilibrium and dissipation of information is reparing
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