Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 100 Different early career workplace experience – different future employment chances
- Year: 2018
- Pages: 26
- ISSN 1337-5598
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This paper introduces three alternative active labour market policy programmes, available to young regis-tered job seekers in Slovakia during 2011. Using administrative data, we first, explore the moment of selection into each of the programmes, and second, estimate the treatment effects on post participation employment of participants. The main findings are consistent across three different estimators. Our results show that there are substantial differences in the impact of the measures on employment up to three years after the participation. The moment of pipelining young job seekers through one of the programmes is determined by their individual characteristics, such as their skill level, but also the accessibility of the programmes. The more exclusive programme, creaming the more skilled job seekers, is further increasing their employment chances, while an alternative programme results to a significant decline in post participation employment.
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