Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 118 Economic Development of Slovakia in 2023. Focusing on: After the Storm Towards Stability (?)
doc. Ing. Karol Morvay, PhD.
- Year: 2024
- Pages: 126
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The team of the Institute of Economics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences prepares annual assessments of the economic development of the Slovak Republic since its establishment. The current edition begins the fourth decade of these analyses, each of which traces the transformations of the Slovak economy in different situations. After a mixture of shocks in previous years (2020 – 2022), the factors affecting economic development in 2023 were less dramatic, resembling some stabilisation. However, this stabilisation is relative, uncertain and fragile – as the subtitle of the book expresses. The longer-term problem that has persisted is the economy's entrapment in a state resembling a middle-income trap, which implies the absence of significant progress in catching up to the level of advanced economies. This problem has become the subject of considerable media and public debate in the past year, even though it was recognised a decade ago. The publication noted a number of problems in the internal stability of the economy, its socio-economic development and external economic relations. The current edition has been expanded to include an additional chapter that focuses on the specific problem of human capital formation.
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