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Inequality and Poverty in the European Union and Slovakia Second International Scientific Conference Proceedings
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., hosťujúca profesorka , doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD.
doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD., doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc.
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 243
- ISBN 978-80-553-1909-4
The full text of contributions from the conference can be found at the Faculty of Economics TUKE
Despite a number of official statements two years ago about the end of crisis and to extrusion of information about the existing global economic recovery, we can’t speak about the current developments in Europe otherwise than a certain return of the Great Recession. Central banks of countries such as Germany, Austria, reviewed the amount of economic growth for 2014 downwards, as well as prospects for 2015. The announcement of the new calculation methodology GDP included gray and black economy should "improve" the economic development results, but doesn’t transparent the real problems in the crisis. Unemployment in the EU countries exceeded the amount of 28 million and affects mainly the young generation till 30 years. The long-term unemployment grows in the new EU member states. Slovak total unemployment is up to the level of 60% in some region (over 4 years). For several years, stagnant wages in terms of the aging European population threat the pension schemes and bonuses of former strong welfare state in Europe are "subsequently melting" in the high debt ratio. Labor productivity is growing as a result of technological changes, but wages are stagnating. Despite the expected demand for high-skilled labor’s growth it leads to employment for low-skilled wages. Efforts to price competitiveness of European production against Asian brings more victims and little constructive, but well treated by the Brussels lobbying policies do not reflect the real consequences, but especially do not diagnose the causes of the current development work need. Media mediated information about "selected" partial parts of the geopolitical processes are obscuring the true scope of the world and European geopolitics. These are the primary ways to clarify the issues of competitiveness trough energy, the total holdings of natural resources and their technological processing, as well as for understanding the creation and management of the controlled company. Need to investigate and uncover the different current phenomena of this process attract attention, which is clearly reflected in the further deepening of inequality and growing poverty.
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