Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
Paradigms of the Future Changes in the 21st. Century IV. Global World - Cooperation or Confrontation?
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc., hosťujúca profesorka , doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD.
doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD., doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc.
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 308
- ISBN 978-80-7144-220-2
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The intention is to contribute to more sophisticated and integrated forming reader’s opinions about what are not only present but also future assumptions for future adaptation processes and seemingly less visible, but rapidly emerging changes across still fundamentally heterogenic Global World. Individual parts of publications and their internal structure are built to “lead” gradually reader on the hierarchical significance ranking of phenomena current world, which have softly encourages to peer into informatics publication network of the authors about paradigm changes since 2012. Because of that, in first part Global world – paradigmatic mosaic, is attention focused gradually from tectonic break in society and technological challenges, through geopolitical aspects of significant current forming of connections European union and Russia to context of development global economy and civilizational models. Practical sample of connections between countries and regions in area of basic factors, for example development in energetic safety, offers contribution about geopolitics and economics at the level of actual and other potential conflicts. The aspect of potential conflicts “illustrates” contribution about institutional and financial frames in future development of European Union. Looking for new impulses at the level of managing and changes in actions of regional factor shows view on cities as complex entities of the future and the context of their development with functional global players. With this point of view are opening questions about value, culture as it is and content and aiming of solidarity in “frustrated” European space. What about Slovakia in it? From the highest global problem’s point of view – income polarisation, will it be rich or poor partner? Despite demands internal stratification of the topic, we believe reader can not only understand our ambition, but also grab and develop by himself, add basic scheme of key characteristics about the topic of cooperation and conflicts in the Global World. The second part of publication should contribute to deepening observation in hierarchical “outlined” structure in the first part. From global-evolutionary perspective on problems of World economy and through outline of connections, crisis, globalisation and transformation of the society reader “work” towards to consequences of the neoliberalism application and also to actual context of development in Global economy and forming financial architecture of the world.
To accenting of the income polarisation’s problem in form of inequality and poverty in EU countries, also in Slovakia, is dedicated the third part of publication. It is a mirror reflective not only results of globalisation process, specific impact of crisis conditions on population in national context, but also actual challenges in solving problem of aging population. Specific contributions represent the parts of mosaic helps to create overall picture of the issue has narrower (national) meaning, where income stratification of population and development of long-term unemployement on regional basis answers on the structure of country’s economy issue common with uncovering of system mistakes in lowering unemployment in education and also in mechanism of social work’s area.
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