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Comparison of education effectiveness at slovak public universities using the DEA analysis
AuthorKolektív autorov
Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD., Mgr. Tomáš Miklošovič, PhD.
- Year: 2013
- Pages: 20
Presented article brings results from a comparison of education effectiveness of Slovak university faculties. DEA analysis is used to quantify the comparison in education effectiveness, namely the SBM model with constraints and an assumption of variable returns to scale. The effectiveness of education was compared within a thematically defined group of faculties. Number of working contracts of pedagogical stuff was selected as input. The number of publications, number of students and the index of demand for graduates of each faculty were selected as the indicators of output. In case of homogenous groups of university faculties, like law or philosophical faculties, it is possible to sort particular faculties based on the effectiveness of their classwork with relatively high reliability.
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