Publications - Monographs and Scientific Edited Books
Paradigms of Changes in the 21st Century – Quest for Configurations in Mosaic
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, CSc.
Ing. Vanda Vašková, PhD., Ing Petra Ščepánová, prof. Ing. Peter Staněk, CSc., Ing. Ján Košta, CSc., Ing. Gabriela Dováľová, PhD.
- Year: 2012
- Pages: 235
- ISBN 978-80-7144-194-6
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Which basis are the most visible in the mosaic of changes? Ideas about the paradigm can be considered as decisive for the future development of society depend on the level of expertise and context perception of events past and present, and their ability to assess in complexity. At the same time the perception of these events played a considerable role in regional perspective, whether an association is more or less crucial for the country, its individual regions of the country or world, planet.
The development of society reflects a process that was foreseeable, and therefore respond to different levels responsibly or recklessly, just like processes that represent unknown unknown,which society did not expect, which was not prepared, and thus reagents and accountability can be assessed only ex post.
Currently, more often discussion are about the very nature of capitalism. A wide variety of views, from the current state of the defense to stating that capitalism is already exhausted. It also gives visibility to an increasing number of cross-cutting and multi-dimensional problems for which there is a concentration at the time. Significantly increasing the role of the analysis of the historical background of each country, the importance of examining problems related to generational waves and the impact of new technological changes on whole society.
As in the past, as also today, the image of the society and its potential development in future generations perceive different populations differently. Young people who are often called "Millennium", respectively. Generation Y, are presented as a generation brought up the fact that does everything and can do anything. From this perspective, Generation X,which was born and growing up after the 2nd World War and in the years to stabilize the social processes, presents conservative thumbnail on the problems of the present and especially the relative caution and responsibility to the future. Reasoning is based on the fact that the young generation "milénials" growing up without significant material problems, which, however, started looking for work during the current crisis, has in a short space of time in your CV dozens of jobs. Often leaving work before it is able to learn something just because she does not like something, respectively. those who have a good education, considered currently working below their level. Also their views on partner often runs afoul of generation X, which is in favor of the traditional family. It can be expected in the continuation and deepening of the crisis, when is actually amplify these differences, traditions or other expressions of solidarity in relations between generations affected? And how will change consumption of society as a result of diametrically opposed preferences of different generations and by the expected demographic trends towards an aging population of the world?
Reflections on the development of relations between the generations, not only in the direction of the question of solidarity, ethics, women's status, material consumption and prosperity in the future are significantly influenced by differences in 8 cultural model, which is a fundamental part of religion. This is not about the actual development of relations between the Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish religion in these areas, but also from a regional perspective on aspects of differences thumbnail to many areas of life between Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. Can be expected in the future that each religion, which "forced a" different ways to the culture of life society, will have a significant impact on the economic effects?
Sequencing and closing in on ourselves in a large number of scientific disciplines leads to inability to define a comprehensive picture of the company and its development. At the same time, due to globalization, a number of problems can no longer be solved at national level.
Development gradually matures the need for a new system of vision, defining and of course also finding solutions. The rising importance of the time factor (breaking point), but also interdisciplinary, leads to the necessity of finding a new vision of the world and the economy.
The aim of the monograph is not underpin and said individual problem areas that contain baselines, determining future changes in society in the 21st century, but to provide a new comprehensive view of quality in time and material form. Therefore, attention is directed on connecting post of the seemingly different areas to achieve interdisciplinary hierarchy of complexity and problems that threaten today's society. The logical conclusion of this vision is a mosaic of the global context that transform algorithm to the global system. This is the first iteration of the new thinking, directed to the reader as a plea for understanding context outlined our common future.
"The future is not what it, used to be ... Our increased ability to model (and predict) the further development of the world around us can greatly outweigh its growing complexity - which also implies a greater role of unforeseen events" (Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Black Swan, 2011 p. 152).
doc. Ing. Iveta Pauhofová, PhD., the editorial board
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