Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 31 Trends in technological and knowledge intensity of the Slovak economy in the pre-crisis period
Ing. Herta Gabrielová, CSc.
- Year: 2011
- Pages: 40
- ISSN 1337 ‐ 5598
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Trends in technological and knowledge intensity of the Slovak economy in the pre-crisis period
Analysis of trends in the structure of Slovak economy from the aspects of technological and knowledge intensity is focused on two economic sectors: on manufacturing industry and on services sector. Within this framework, investigation proceeds as to how and if at all the share of technological and knowledge more or less intensive segments is changing from the view of employment as well as from the view of value added formation. Particular attention is devoted to the changes in foreign trade structure and to the activities of foreign controlled firms in the Slovak economy in comparison with domestic enterprises; notably, their activities are followed up in technologically and knowledge more intensive segments of economy. An integral part of the analysis is comparison of Slovakia’s position with selected EU member countries,
or with the EU average. Statistical data are being drawn from the Eurostat and OECD databases.
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