Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 17 Technological and Innovation Position of the Slovak Economy in the International Context
AuthorIng. Tomáš Jeck, PhD.
- Year: 2009
- Pages: 26
- ISSN 1337–5598
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The aim of this working paper is analyzing of innovation and technological position of the Slovak economy in the international context. We analyze selected fundamental indicators of innovation and technological development and compare Slovakia with European Union and selected EU economies. Despite positive development in many fields (by the end of 2008) Slovakia lags behind in using of knowledge-based economy factors (science, research and de-velopment, innovations). Slovak economy stagnates in all fields of innovation development: education, funding of innovation, patenting or innovation entrepreneurship. High share in exports and employment in medium and high-tech manufacturing was caused by massive inflow of foreign direct investments (FDI). FDI also dominant channel of technology transfer.
Innovation, knowledge-based economy, Slovakia, EU, European Innovation Scoreboard
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