Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 03 Trend analysis in development of the advanced economies structure
AuthorIng. Herta Gabrielová, CSc.
- Year: 2007
- Pages: 43
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The study orientates on the analysis of trends in advanced economies structure over the period
of 1979 till 2003 or 2002 (in the case of Japan). In the first part the analysis concentrates on
comparison of three economies – European Union as a whole, US and Japan, and in the second
part on detailed investigation of trends in 14 EU member states. As a tool in investigating
the changes in structure of economic activities two standard statistical indicators are used: the
share of individual sectors, branches and segments within different groupings in employment
and in the value added in current prices. Particular attention is paid to shaping such structural
segments which are capable to tell on direction of individual economies towards technology
and knowledge intensive activities. The basis of analysis is represented by a 60-industries
database, being regularly updated and acceeded to on the website of Groningen Growth and
Development Centre.
sectoral and branch structures, technology and knowledge intensiveness, information and
communication technologies
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