Registration for the scientific conference EKOMSTAT 2019 is now open
You are invited to register to the 33nd edition of scientific conference EKOMSTAT which will take place in Trenčianske Teplice from 2nd June to 5th June 2019.
Registration for the conference EKOMSTAT 2018 is now open
You are invited to register to the 32nd edition of conference EKOMSTAT which will take place in Trenčianske Teplice from 3rd June to 7th June 2018.
Qualitative change in employment of the Slovak Republic
The qualitative change in employment in the Slovak Republic is the title of the monographs of Iveta Pauhofova and Beata Stehlikova, who just published in the publishing house Wolters Kluwer.
PARADIGMS OF FUTURE CHANGES IN THE 21ST CENTURY - External and internal determinants of society polarization - messages and videos
On 27th October 2017 was held VII. International Scientific Conference Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century: External and internal determinants of society polarization at the SOREA Regia Hotel in Bratislava.
Registration to the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 – Extended deadlines
Extended deadlines for registration to the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017
Joint workshop on regional and national economic policies
Researchers from IER SAS participated at joint workshop with Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) devoted to the topic of "Models and Methods for Analysing Regional and National Economic Policies".
Registration to the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2017 is now open
You are invited to register to the 31th scientific seminar EKOMSTAT which will take place in Trenčianske Teplice from 28th May to 1st June 2017.
Systematic view of economists at future changes
According to the Annual Reports of SAS no. 4/2016, attention is given to results and to research continuity of economic's development and global society through system of Paradigms of future changes in 21st century.
Focused on Paradigm Changes in the 21st Century
Sixth international scientific conference from the cycle "Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century", this time with title Adaptation processes and pulsating economy, was held in Smolenice on June 27-29.
Economic development of Slovakia in 2015 and outlook
Our team of IER SAS researchers delivers its annual analytical overview of what has happened in the economy in the past year and what development can be expected in the near future.
Successful grant applications
Researchers from our Institute granted finance to conduct research on capital flight and social trap
Program of the scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016
Program of upcoming scientific seminar EKOMSTAT that will take place from 29th May to 2nd June is available.
About adaption processes and pulsating economy
Taking place at the Smolenice Castle, Department of the World Economy, Institute of Economic Research, will hold the sixth International Scientific Conference named Paradigms of future changes in the 21st century, with the subtitle Adaption processes and pulsating economy.
Registration to scientific seminar EKOMSTAT 2016 is now open
From today, it is possible to register to scientific seminar EKOMSTAT that will take place from 29th May to 2nd June.
Views at structural problems in the Slovak economy
Institute of Economic Research SAS has organized a scientific conference on the topic Views on structural problems in the Slovak economy. The conference took place December 11th 2015 in Small congress center SAS in Bratislava.
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