Publications - Working Papers IER SAS
WP 62 Motivation of academic sector in the Slovak Republic to utilize the research knowledge
Ing. Mária Kačírková
- Year: 2014
- Pages: 42
- ISSN 1337-5598
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The last years has been an increasing emphasis on the generation of commercial outcomes from academic-based research into business and social practice. At the policy level, the commercialization of academic research has been viewed as a key driver of national competitiveness, and been consequently supported by a range of initiatives seeking to promote the links between universities, research institutes and industry. The part of the support is promoting Offices of Technology Transfer created nearby research institutions and universities and dedicated to identifying research with potential commercial interest and strategies for how to exploit it on the market. The working paper is aimed at the investigation of motivation of the academic sphere to commercialize scientific outcomes particularly associated with the intellectual property rights. It monitors not only the benefits for the sake of the research institutions, universities and industry but also main barriers for technology transfer in the Slovak republic.
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