The aim of the conference is to expand knowledge of strategic direction of the European Union and Slovakia but also in
relation to supraintegration. It also includes a broad discussion on the issue of inequality, polarization and poverty in the
EU and Slovakia. The overall framework of the conference underlines consideration of the impact of changes in the
natural environment to civilization in the 21st century.
Adaptation of political elites to integration and globalization processes.
The concept of strategic direction of the EU and Slovakia in relation to energy union, fiscal union and quantitative easing (accent on the distribution of geopolitical, economic and energy forces). Supraintegration - the pros and cons of joining trade blocs (the EU and Slovakia).
Inequality, polarization and poverty in the EU and Slovakia. Global social parasitism. Income stratification and perspective of polarization of Slovak society by 2030. The role of national statistics and econometrics in the analysis of income inequality, polarization, poverty and deprivation.
Changes in the natural environment and impact on civilization of the 21st century.